The Project

Identify Mechanisms

To identify the mechanisms that may allow organisms to be active agents in the construction of their own novel, adaptive features and resilience to challenges.

Encompass Diversity

To assess organismal agency broadly across diverse organisms, from mammals to insects and plants.

Examine Levels of Organization

To determine the scope and impact of agency across diverse levels of biological organization, from gene networks to cells, organs, individuals and social groups.

Build a Rigorous Theory

To develop a scientific theory of organisms as purposive agents and determine the explanatory concepts and structure of an agent theory in relation to conventional scientific object theories.

The Project

Identify Mechanisms

To identify the mechanisms that may allow organisms to be active agents in the construction of their own novel, adaptive features and resilience to challenges.

Encompass Diversity

To assess organismal agency broadly across diverse organisms, from mammals to insects and plants.

Examine Levels of Organization

To determine the scope and impact of agency across diverse levels of biological organization, from gene networks to cells, organs, individuals and social groups.

Build a Rigorous Theory

To develop a scientific theory of organisms as purposive agents and determine the explanatory concepts and structure of an agent theory in relation to conventional scientific object theories.

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© 2020 Agency in Living Systems

© 2020 Agency in Living Systems